Your guide to everything under the moon, the Amber Moon, for the 2 weeks starting 4/11/22

Vacation. I only remember a handful growing up. I remember a lot of people I knew going on vacations and I remember being slightly envious of the high schoolers that got to go the Caymans for Spring Break. Not necessarily of their destination, but the fact they got to go somewhere. In talking with mom these past few years, the only thing she regrets is not taking more vacations.
Now, I can’t afford not to take vacations. With the highly regulated schedule and physically demanding work I do, I need the break – physical, mental, emotional, spiritual. I think it was after my first real vacation maybe a decade ago that I realized this was going to be essential. Before COVID altered life, I’d gotten to a pattern of a quarterly vacation. Sometimes a workshop was included, and it’d be in an interesting location (Montana, New Hampshire to name a few). I don’t want all my vacations to have a work component, but it makes for an interesting time.
What I realized this vacation is that I really need to get away during these times. Yes, I moved on my March vacation last year – not sure I’d really call that a vacation, but it was time away from my regular schedule, and that’s what was needed. In the first part of COVID, I didn’t take a vacation til September – that was a little long. Even with working fewer hours at that point, I needed time away. This is the first year I’ve got my quarterly vacations pretty much mapped out again.
Vacations really aren’t a luxury that I once thought they were. They are, for me at least, a necessity.
Reminder of upcoming Studio closings
- June 23– 28, 2022
- September time off TBD
- November 23-25
- December Holiday break TBD
Taylor openings – massage, Pilates, CST, etc
- Tuesday, 4/12 @ 2p & 330
- Thursday, 4/14 & 4/21 @ 130 or 145: 30 min only, virtual or in person (contact me to schedule)
- Openings subject to change. Please check back regularly or email me to ask.
Austin: Massage & The Driveway Series
- Wednesdays: 4/20 @ 2p
- Driveway series on Wednesday, 4/13 @ 630p, weather pending
- Driveway series on Wednesday, 4/20 @ 615p, weather pending
- Openings subject to change. Please check back regularly or email me to ask.
I’ve separated out the Austin massage services in my scheduler to make it easier to find.
Classes & Group shenanigans for weeks of March 7 & 14, 2022
11a: Pilates Mat
5p: Everything Under the Moon
535p: Awesome Arms (FB Live & Zoom) – FREE
615p: Taylor Track Time! (Memorial Track, Taylor)
10:45a: Viniyoga
11a: Pilates & BOSU
5p: Everything Under the Moon
5:35p: Awesome Arms (FB Live & Zoom) – FREE
11a: Viniyoga