Your guide to everything under the moon, the Amber Moon, 5/26/2024
Happy Memorial Day!
That means it’s time to activate that summer routine! Today, Sunday 5/26, was a prime example for me:
930a – head out for my ‘long’ bike, 90 min
11a – starting working on outdoor projects, interspersed with eating so I recover better from training. Today my projects included putting casters on a garage sale garden seedling rack I found ($5 – total score!), but in order to do that I had to organize the garage a little. That included putting the hot tub away. The main part of the tub wasn’t quite dry yet, so it eventually got draped OVER the seedling rack.
1p – toss myself in the ‘rehab pool’ I finally got set up in the back yard. Spend about 10 min cleaning the pool (while I’m wading in it), and then realize the pump isn’t pumping. Pull that apart, and I need another new filter. I just installed a new one yesterday. Guess the 4″ of rain water that I had left in before filling got filtered. Then back to pool time, and aquatic therapy. I LOVE stretching in the water. Since there is buoyancy, I don’t have to worry about supporting my own body weight, and can get deeper in these knee bending moves.
130p – get out, check on the garden, check on the chickens – gotta dry off before I go inside, right?
I have to say I’m really impressed with my lil garden this year. I was reading up on it before planting (The Essential Urban Farmer and emails from Burpee), and picked up several things, like companion planting and using other plants to ward off insects etc. It’s working.
2p – oops, I didn’t reapply sunscreen, but then, I didn’t plan on another 30 min outside. Time to go in, shower, put dry clothes on, and see what I can do inside… what do I want to do inside? Take a break.
Putz around til about 3, when I sit down to write this.
Weekdays, I’ll may toss myself in the pool after a morning training session, and I’ll typically do my quality pool stretching time in the evening as it cools off.
I’m ready. Let’s get summer started!
New & updated session options
It’s time to update my service menu. I’ve been pondering some of these for a while, and it’s just time to do it. Rate updates will be effective 6/1/2024. As we transition to these classifications (i.e. for those sessions already booked), I’ll have an “add on charge” on your invoice to bring it up to current levels.
Why make more distinctions? So I have a better idea going into the session as to what you are wanting & needing. This way I can be more mentally prepared vs having to shift gears from the “massage” you booked.
Massage & Energy: I’ve been having this one come up more of late, so I’m creating a new session just for it. Why separate it from massage? It goes far beyond traditional bodywork, and taps into other areas that I have spent much time learning. There IS some bodywork involved. For those unfamiliar with energy work, think a more familiar word – a “Reiki” session. 1 h per session, available in both Taylor ($105) & Austin ($115).
Reiki/Energy: If you want a full energy work session. this is available in Taylor ($110) & Austin ($120), as well as virtually (distance healing, $110), 1 hour format.
Lightarian® Attunements: Similar to a Reiki attunement (but totally different – it’s the closest reference), these are more deeply rooted to accelerate you on your path of personal growth. Your first series of attunements is Lightarian® Rays, and then options follow. You have the option of being a client or a student (able to attune others). Manuals are required, and have an extra nominal fee. Available in Taylor ($40), Austin ($45), and virtually ($40) for 30 min, AND as an add in to CST and Reiki sessions ($10).
Medical Massage – typically, the techniques I use are somewhere between massage & CST, so it too will be now how a separate category. If you’re having a sessions for a specific medical issue, this is for you. If its just a tight area nagging you, it’ll be “custom massage”. Ask if you have questions. This will be available in 30, 45 & 60 min appointments in Taylor ($55, $82.50 & $110, respectively) & Austin, ($60, $90 & $120, respectively).
It may take me a few days to get all this sorted & organized, so if you have questions in the mean time, please ask.
Middle school summer running
One week until we start, and I’ve still got a few openings. If you’ve got a 5th-8th grader doing cross country in the fall, you’re welcome to join me on 7a Monday mornings along the Brushy Creek Trail throughout June & July. I’ll be biking while they are running so as to keep up.
Please note, for liability reasons there will be a $20 club fee to cover your munchkin.
Taylor & virtual updates
As we approach summer, my schedule shifts a bit… Please let me know early if you’re going to be out, and if you’re looking for something regular during this time. Slots are “saved” for when people return from summer activities.
Openings subject to change. These openings are a reflection of this exact moment in time.
- 5/28, Tues, open from 315p (30 or 45 min only)
- 5/30, Thurs, 1245p
- 6/4, Tues, 115-4p is open
- 6/6, Thurs, 2-330p is open
- 6/18, Tues, 115-4p is open
- 6/20, Thurs, 2-330p is open
Cross country will be starting the week of August 5, and will influence my Taylor & virtual schedules.
Austin updates
Fridays I’ll be at the Austin studio: 6/7 (full), 21*; 7/19; 8/2… and then back to normal every other week until end of October.
* = appointments available starting at 12n instead of usual 130p.
- Wed, 6/12, 445p (30 or 45 min only)
- Wed, 6/19, 445p
- Wed, 6/26, 530p
Summer group programs
You can register for Track & Masters Swim thru the City of Taylor.
- There is a meet & greet, and see if you meet the requirement of swimming 100m continuously (2 laps, aka 4 lengths), Thurs, 5/30/24 @ the Taylor Pool.
- Track will resume Sept 3 with our 5k/10k program. For those in The Quack Pack, we may have a few random run & bike sessions this summer, in addition to Masters swim.
Viniyoga, Pilates & EUTM are online & thru the studio.
Please note, there will be no Pilates Mat online May 28 or June 4.
Thank you!
I really appreciate you reading all the way through! If something caught your eye, made you think, made you laugh… drop me a note. I’d love to hear about it.