Off season running (Nov 4, 2024 – Feb 7, 2025)

Nov 4, 2024 – Feb 7, 2025, The Quack Pack in Austin

Welcome & thank you for your interest!

Similar to cross country, our 2 days of running per week will be our “quality” runs – speed, hills, long speed… all those technical terms. It’s strongly suggested that you do 1-3 days of easy running on your own. We’ll talk during practice about what “easy” means & how to tell if you’re doing it.

Location: Champion Park.

Program fees

This is a 3 month program spanning holidays. I’ve broken down as best as I think should work, considering there are ~26 total sessions, which may be adjust as we go for a variety of reasons – weather, vacations, holidays, actual start of track season, etc. I’ve based dates on when track started last year. Do what works best for you. Packages are per individual, and may not be crossed over to other family members; it’s the way my online tracking system is set up.

Have more than 1 kid running? I can do a payment plan for the unlimited sessions package if needed.

Parents: running & biking

I will need your help. If you’re willing to bike alongside various groups of kids, please come join. If you’re willing to run with the kids like we did for Saturdays during cross country, please come join. No charge, since you are helping me out. You will need to join the club – do the family membership.

If you prefer to actually RUN and do the actual training without focusing on helping with the kids, please buy a package. Different mindset, and then I plan for you in the run as well.

Current schedule

During school, Mondays & Fridays at 4p. Please note there are some Fridays I get done w clients in Taylor at 315p. I will be squeaking in to be there by 4, more likely 415. I’ll ask for parent help with the warm up on these dates.

You can see the full schedule by looking at my scheduler.

In lieu of Thanksgiving Friday run, please come join me for my Amber Moon Studio Turkey 10 (any distance you want, pie & coffee afterward). Please follow this on facebook for more details.

Over the holidays, and there’s no school, I’ve shifted to Monday & Saturday mornings (Dec 23-Jan 6).

On MLK Day, I moved it to 8a as well since no school. I’m flexible if afternoon works better for the majority.

Short & sweet

Yeah, it’s been a little crazy busy, and when I’ve not had clients, I’ve needed to do nothing. This happened last year at the end of cross country season too, so it was expected. Oct 19, and everything shifts again. And then again in Feb, when track starts.

I thought I’d gotten away from living on a school schedule. Evidently not.

This is short & sweet. It’s been 3 weeks since the last Hello Sunshine. Just the main points.

And it might be that long until the next one….

Austin sessions

October is running full.


  • Friday the 8th has openings – 1215 & 130p. Please contact me to schedule. I don’t know if its in the scheduler.
  • Wednesday the 27th, before Thanksgiving, has openings. These ARE on the schedule. 145p for sure. I can flex some clients around to get other sessions in.


closed on Christmas Day. Openings the week prior:

  • Wed, 12/18, 1p
  • Fri 12/20, 130p – check w me to schedule,please.


I’ve decided I’m not opposed to working on New Year’s Day, so book now. Please.

Taylor/Virtual sessions

With cross country coming to a close, I’ll have afternoon times available again on Tues/Thurs. I’ve slid all my regular clients together, so my schedule is more efficient for me. Last session should be done by 5p, so I can feed critters before heading out to coach Taylor Track again.

Your couch to 5k, the final week

This is IT – our final week! How are you doing?

Ok, so Taper. Backing off on VOLUME and INTENSITY to varying degrees so you are rested & do your best at your event. Recovery week dropped down some, this week drops down a little more.

Remember your goal is to be chomping at the bit for Saturday morning’s 5k. If you’re tired, take it easy. If you’re bouncing off the walls, adding just a little intensity. You really have to hold back, and keep with what is written. Feel free to reach out if you have questions.

Day 1

10-15 min walk/easy jog as warm up

Main Set: objective is to get faster as your time running gets shorter. Think of the 3 min set as your “goal pace” and allow yourself to get faster on the shorter ones. If you prefer, you can also go hard/harder/hardest. But mind, we are working on race specifics this week.

  • 3 min run, 1 min recovery
  • 2 min run, 1 min recovery
  • 1 min run, 2 min recovery

Then check in: How do you feel? Was that enough? Sometimes it is this week. You DO have the option of doing a 2nd set if you feel up for it. Keep this workout 30-40 min total, please.

Day 2

Today is a little variable…if tired, keep it at a walk, 30-45 min. If you’re bouncing off the walls, 10 min walk, 2×10 min Zone 2, 3 min walk in between, then walk to finish time (40-45 min).

Race day

If you’re doing the GoodLife 5k, we’ll be doing a group warm up at 7:40a (race at 8), please come join us at the start of the Bull Branch Lake boardwalk at that time. Stephanie & I will be there, as will our Taylor Track Time people. (Look for an Amber Moon Studio jersey or 2). Remember – do YOUR warm up… nothing new there either. I’ve had you doing 10-15 min of walking… so please do your best to get that in before the race starts.

We definitely want you to come say hi!

Other stuff

Get a good night’s sleep on THURSDAY. Sometimes, the night before an event, you’re a little ancy. So good sleep 2 nights before is essential.

Nutrition/hydration: nothing new this week. Keep it the same on race day as you’ve been practicing.

What’s your plan?

  • If you are planning to come to track on Tuesday only, please do Day 2 on your own.
  • If you are planning to come to track on Thursday only, please do Day 1 on your own.

Recap & race report

We’ve spent the last 11 weeks getting you ready for this. We worked you through your initial phase of conditioning, and they started working to improve performance.

How’d you do? Do you feel like you can complete a 5k, now? Complete it better if you were running before this program?

What would you have changed about this program?

How’d your race go? What worked, what didn’t? What did you learn? What were your take away points? Write/type your answers and store them… in your training log, in your e-calendar on race date. Of course, you’re welcome to share with me, as it helps me know what I can do better next time.

I’m hoping this is not a 1 and done for you, but rather you’ve been given the tools to keep going.

What’s next?

If you want to keep going, but not on your own, I’ve got this Tu/Th Taylor Track program you’ve been hearing about. I also do private coaching for a fee – it depends on what you need from your program, in your program, and how much. Running, triathlon are both within my scope. Please schedule a meet & greet, and we can figure out what is best for you.

Your couch to 5k, week 10

2 weeks to go… our last week of work, then taper…. it’s about to get real!

Day 1: “speed”

10-15 min walk/easy jog as warm up

Main Set: objective is to get faster as your time running gets shorter. This time we’ve got a shorter break in between, mimicking our event a little more.

  • 5 min run, 1 min recovery
  • 4 min run, 1 min recovery
  • 3 min run, 1 min recovery
  • 2 min run, 1 min recovery
  • 1 min run, 1 min recovery

3-5 min cool down easy jog/walk

This is a great one to build as a workout in Garmin, so your splits stay exact. Helps keep you on target too.

Day 2: Longer intervals

  • 10-15 min walk/easy jog as warm up
  • Main Set: 3x 12 min at a little bit slower than “natural” pace (ie Zone 2), 1 min recovery walk in between.
  • 3-5 min cool down
  • Stretch afterwards

Day 3: Endurance day

1 hour of movement, somewhere in between leisure & Z2. Please include 3 passes on Dellinger. 

If you were running before the start of this program, warm up 10-15 minutes, then run 30 min Z2, then power walk the rest.

Taper begins! Monday, 10/9

The purpose of taper week is to (1) get you recovered, and (2) keep some race specific speed/intensity. We’re not taking time off, we are just cutting volume down, while keeping just a touch of intensity. If you find you’re totally wiped, just keep it easy. By Thursday or Friday, I want you chomping at the bit to do more. Mind you – save it for Saturday!

There is a strategy here, a balance, and normally I’m touching base daily w my athletes as they are in this phase. You are welcome to reach out the day before your run/walks & check in, LMK how you’re feeling, and we can tweak it as needed. Walkers – taper is not as big of an issue for you, but we definitely still need to cut volume a bit.

Also, during this week – nothing new. No new activities, foods, pattern changes. Nothing.

Week 11, Day 1

10-15 min walk/easy jog as warm up

Main Set: objective is to get faster as your time running gets shorter. Think of the 3 min set as your “goal pace” and allow yourself to get faster on the shorter ones. If you prefer, you can also go hard/harder/hardest. But mind, we are working on race specifics this week.

  • 3 min run, 1 min recovery
  • 2 min run, 1 min recovery
  • 1 min run, 2 min recovery

IF you are feeling good, you have the option of a 2nd set. Doesn’t need to be a lot this week.

3-5 min cool down easy jog/walk.

What’s your plan?

  • If you are planning to come to track on Tuesday only, please do Day 1 on your own.
  • If you are planning to come to track on Thursday only, please do Day 1 on your own.
  • If you’re coming to both days of track. please do Day 3 on your own.
  • If you’re coming to neither track days, please do the whole thing, or as we’ve discussed.

Remember, running = power walking for some of you.

Your couch to 5k, week 9

3 weeks to go… 2 more “working it”, then a week of recovery/taper, and Good Life awaits!

Week 9, Day 1: working on “race pace”

This one ideally is done at a track – Memorial Field track is open to public if you’re nearby. You can also set your Garmin to track the distance if that’s not an option.

  • warm up: 3 laps
  • 2 laps of walking the curves, pick up the pace (run or walk) on the straights – we call these strides. We’re starting to get some intensity, so this helps you get ready. When you start the straight, easy pace, then begin to increase pace to about 80% at 60y (look at football field markers), then slow down over the next 20y.
  • Main Set: 2-3x 1000m running (2.5 laps), walk the 200 (.5 lap) back to the start as recovery. Goal: Same pace throughout. The first one you’re still fresh, so keep it easy. You want to be able to repeat the same time each rep.
  • cool down: 1-2 laps easy

This is a great one to build as a workout in Garmin, so your splits stay exact. Helps keep you on target too.

Day 2: Longer intervals

  • 10-15 min walk/easy jog as warm up
  • Main Set: 3x 10 min at a “natural” pace, 2 min recovery walk in between. How’d last week go? Use that to judge pace here. If you managed 8 minutes, go a little slower if it was challenging, go about the same if it was good, or a little faster if it was too easy.
  • 3-5 min cool down
  • Stretch afterwards

Day 3: Endurance day

1 hour of movement, somewhere in between leisure & Z2. Please include 2-3 passes on Dellinger. If you were running before the start of this program, warm up 10-15 minutes, then run 25 min Z2, then power walk the rest.

I would like you to start thinking about your goal(s) for GoodLife 5k. They can be basic, as in “I would like to jog/run the whole way”, or specific to pace (run at a 10′ pace) or time (complete in under 40 min), or a combination of these. Some people will perform better at an event than in training, and even if you haven’t run the whole distance yet, it’s entirely possible you CAN do it on event day. If you have a time goal, what pace would you need to run?

  • Mine: Complete in 40 minutes or less (12:52 pace). While I’d like to say run the whole thing, I also want to give myself permission to walk…new knees & all. So, if I walk, 1 minutes max before I need to be running again. If I pace myself well, that’s a totally doable break.

Feel free to send me your goal – this program is about accountability, after all! I’m also happy to talk with you about it if needed.

Week 10, Day 1

10-15 min walk/easy jog as warm up

Main Set: objective is to get faster as your time running gets shorter. This time we’ve got a shorter break in between, mimicking our event a little more.

  • 5 min run, 1 min recovery
  • 4 min run, 1 min recovery
  • 3 min run, 1 min recovery
  • 2 min run, 1 min recovery
  • 1 min run, 1 min recovery

3-5 min cool down easy jog/walk.

What’s your plan?

  • If you are planning to come to track on Tuesday only, please do Day 2 on your own.
  • If you are planning to come to track on Thursday only, please do Day 2 on your own.
  • If you’re coming to both days of track. please do Day 3 on your own.
  • If you’re coming to neither track days, please do the whole thing, or as we’ve discussed.

Remember, running = power walking for some of you.

Schedule tumbles, Wednesdays, and Running

Your guide to everything under the moon, the Amber Moon, 9/22/24

It’s been a while since my schedule tumbled into something new. Yes, cross country & track have changed it, but not a full tumble. Last week, it tumbled into newness. One client dropped, a class shifted, and I’ve suddenly got a more open Wednesday – with time to get some cardio in AND get to the Austin Studio earlier.

My viniyoga has been Wednesdays at 1030/1045a for probably a decade, even through COVID, though it became virtual. It was time to try something new.

Yes, I added time on Wednesdays in Austin for you, the client.

Yes, I’ve still got limited Monday openings in Taylor thru Oct 14 (remember to ask, please).

So, the new schedule is, through Oct 19 (effective now):
  • Monday – Taylor – variable – reach out & ask. Typ early afternoon.
  • Tuesday – Taylor
    • 1045a – Pilates Mat class
    • 12-230p – 30-60 min sessions
    • Cross country & Taylor Track Time coaching until 730p
  • Wednesday
    • Taylor: 7-830a
    • Austin: 12-515p
  • Thursday – Taylor
    • 11a – Viniyoga online
    • 1215-230p – 30-60 min sessions
    • Cross country & Taylor Track Time coaching until 730p
  • Friday

It’s gonna take me a bit to get the Wednesday change in my scheduler, so please ask if you are looking. I’ve got a lot of other computer work that takes priority at the moment.


I’m remembering that my legs like to have an easy day before a run day. This past Saturday I worked the Big Wig Massage for Texas Mamma Jamma Ride, so I thought I’d get in a sprint interval session on my rower before hand – 30 min of good stuff. I worked hard. Today was slated as a run.

Ten minutes in to the run section my legs said “walking now“. I know during the week I make sure I walk on Tuesday so I can run on Wednesday… guess I’m going to have to remember all the tricks I used for scheduling back when I was doing triathlons. This was part of the impetus of the schedule shift – I wanted to be able to get my 2 days of running in per week. At this point, that’s what my legs say are doable. I’m listening.

On the good side, I’m easily managing a 90 min walk. Right before & during my bionic knees years, my nutrition was such that I couldn’t do it easily. At least that seems to be better managed now.

Now to add see how to keep 1-2 days of biking in, some rowing, and then swimming, once I’m out of PT for my shoulder. Remember that fall on my bike in early July? Yeah, it needed a little help. It is slowly getting there. Slow is good.

Blueberry reads

Yes, I’m still listening to audio books, and I think I’ve finished 2 since I last included this segment. Still on the book club theme with Strong Towns and Happy City. I need to go see what else I’ve still got in my library, as I’m ready for something on a different topic.

Looking back at all the books I’ve listened to this year so far, I’m quite impressed actually. ELEVEN books I’ve finished. ELEVEN. I honestly didn’t think I’d like audiobooks, but I’m glad I was wrong. I just had to figure out when to listen.

Taylor & virtual updates

Last minute cancellations happen. Contact me to get on the waitlist, or for Mondays.

  • Mon, 9/23, 330p (contact me to schedule)
  • Tues, 9/24, 115p
  • Mon, 9/30, 1p, 215p (contact me to schedule)
  • Thurs, 10/3, 1215-1245 start time available

Austin updates

Openings are subject to change. These openings are a reflection of this exact moment in time.

  • uh….. ask to be on the wait list or check with me for last minute cancellations, please! Just because I added time doesn’t mean it’s available. Doh. I suggest you book Austin appointments as far in advance as possible for best options.

Thanks for reading all the way down here! I’d love to hear what you got out of this update.

Your couch to 5k, week 8 – recovery week

Nice & reduced volume this week…

  • If you are planning to come to track on Tuesday only, please do Day 1 on your own.
  • If you are planning to come to track on Thursday only, please do Day 1 on your own.
  • If you’re coming to both days of track. please do Day 3 on your own.
  • If you’re coming to neither track days, please do the whole thing, or as we’ve discussed.

Remember, running = power walking for some of you.

Day 1 – We are again working on distinguishing different paces. 10-15 min warm up, 5 min easy jog, 2 min walk. 

Main Set: objective is to get faster as your time running gets shorter.

  • 5 min run, 2 min recovery
  • 4 min run, 2 min recovery
  • 3 min run, 2 min recovery
  • 2 min run, 2 min recovery
  • 1 min run, 2 min recovery

3-5 min cool down easy jog/walk.

This is a great one to build as a workout in Garmin, so your splits stay exact. Helps keep you on target too.

Day 2: Longer intervals

  • 10-15 min walk/easy jog as warm up
  • Main Set: 3x 8 min at “natural” pace, 2 min recovery walk in between (remember we talked about Zone 2 was slower than natural… so you’ll have a little more intensity, but shorter time)
  • 3-5 min cool down
  • Stretch afterwards

Day 3: Endurance day. 1 hour of movement, somewhere in between leisure & Z2. If you were running before the start of this program, warm up 10-15 minutes, then run 20 min Z2, then power walk the rest.

Week 8, Day 1: working on “race pace”

This one ideally is done at a track – Memorial Field track is open to public if you’re nearby. You can also set your Garmin to track the distance if that’s not an option.

  • warm up: 3 laps
  • 2 laps of walking the curves, pick up the pace (run or walk) on the straights – we call these strides. We’re starting to get some intensity, so this helps you get ready. When you start the straight, easy pace, then begin to increase pace to about 80% at 60y (look at football field markers), then slow down over the next 20y.
  • Main Set: 2-3x 1000m running (2.5 laps), walk the 200 (.5 lap) back to the start as recovery. Goal: Same pace throughout. The first one you’re still fresh, so keep it easy. You want to be able to repeat the same time each rep.
  • cool down: 1-2 laps easy

I did Day 1 last week. I’m slightly ahead as I now try things out. I found when I got down to the 3, 2 & 1 min sections, I felt like I was actually running. Like I used to. It was nice. I’m grateful to have you joining me on this journey, and if you’re still on target for GoodLife and haven’t registered yet, please select team “The Quack Pack”

Have a great week!

Your couch to 5k, phase 2, aka Week 7

Here we go… if you’re not coming on Tues or Thurs to Taylor Track Time, please do the whole thing. We’ll have different stuff at practice.

If you are planning to come to track on Tuesday only, please do Day 2 on your own.

If you are planning to come to track on Thursday only, please do Day 2 on your own.

If you’re coming to both days of track. please do Day 2 on your own.

Remember, running = power walking for some of you.

Day 1: 5-10 min warm up walk. 10 x 1 min run/1 min recovery walk. Recovery walk for a total of 3 min after the 10th one, then 5 x 1 min run/1 min recovery walk. 3-5 min cool down. Please continue to d distinguish your runs or power walk sections. I want these to be faster than what you’ve been doing. They are still short, and they have short recovery. We are working on your ability to recover.

Day 2: Course prep day. Finally, we’re taking it to the actual Good Life 5k route. Warm up with a walk around Bull Branch Park loop, then head up Dellinger for the route. Start running/power walking here, and take it easy. Go about 10-12 min of running, then walk 1 min (at most, rest 1.5 min). Repeat at least one more time. If you’re feeling good, do a 3rd time, as long as the pace is easy. We’re not trying to push it yet. This should still be Zone 2 work. Finish walking the course as needed.

I did this yesterday, and made it all the way around with only about 2.5 min of walking, and it took about 40 min to do the course; warm up was extra time. This may be less than 1 hour, it may be more. Completing the warm up loop and the course is the objective.

Day 3: Endurance day. 1 hour of movement, somewhere in between leisure & Z2. If you were running before the start of this program, warm up 10-15 minutes, then run 15 min Z2, 1 min walk; repeat til time. Will be similar to Day 2, but that’s ok.

Week 7: Day 1 – We are again working on distinguishing different paces. 10-15 min warm up, 5 min easy jog, 2 min walk. Main Set: objective is to get faster as your time running gets shorter.

  • 5 min run, 2 min recovery
  • 4 min run, 2 min recovery
  • 3 min run, 2 min recovery
  • 2 min run, 2 min recovery
  • 1 min run, 2 min recovery

5-10 min cool down easy jog/walk.

Have a great week!

~ Sharon

Your Couch to 5k, Phase 2, week 6

Here we go… if you’re not coming on Tues or Thurs to Taylor Track Time, Please do the whole thing. We’ll have different stuff at practice.

If you are planning to come to track on Tuesday only, then pick the Day 1 or Day 2 plan that is most different from the main set .

If you are planning to come to track on Thursday only, pick day 1 or 2… your choice.

Everyone does Day 3 please.

Day 1: 5-10 min warm up walk. 6 x 2 min run/3 min recovery walk. 3-5 min cool down. Please note this may be a 40-50 min walk. If you’ve not done this yet, I want you to start distinguishing your runs or power walk sections. I want these to be faster than what you’ve been doing. They are still short, and you’ve got good recovery afterwards.

Day 2: 10-15 min warm up warm or super easy run. 10 min Z2 (natural pace, then back off a little). Make sure this pace is a lot slower than your Day 1 pace. 2 min walk, 10 min Z2 again. 10 min walk to cool down. *Note – if power walking. on that Z2 section you push your pace.

Day 3: Endurance day. 1 hour walk, somewhere in between leisure & Z2. If you were running before the start of this program, warm up 10-15 minutes, then run 5 min Z2, 1 min walk; repeat til time.

Week 6: Day 1: 5-10 min warm up walk. 10 x 1 min run/1 min recovery walk. Recovery walk for a total of 3 min after the 10th one, then 5 x 1 min run/1 min recovery walk. 3-5 min cool down. Please continue to d distinguish your runs or power walk sections. I want these to be faster than what you’ve been doing. They are still short, and they have short recovery. We are working on your ability to recover.

I need to hear from you that you are continuing to do the work please, regardless of joining Taylor Track Time.

Have a great week!

~ Sharon


The Quack Pack, Sept 2024

You feel it, right? That little bit of coolness in the wind? So heavenly.

And that means Triathlon & Run season are upon us or fast approaching!

Taylor Track Time – Tues & Thurs 630p, Memorial Field

As in it starts TOMORROW. We should have some new faces joining us from the Couch to 5k virtual program of August. Non-club members get 1 session as club guest, then they will be asked to join ($20 individual, $30 family). Registration is through the City of Taylor, either drop in ($5) or punch card (10 sessions for $40). Pay online or in person.

GoodLife 5k

Mark your calendars for our first running event – Oct 12, right here in Taylor. Always nice to support local events. Discount code gets you $5 off. No race day registration. Register now while you’re thinking about it.

$25 – Early Registration (now through September 30th)
$30 – 10/1- 10/11
$35 – Race Day

Road race schedule… options…

A new person brought to my attention a new trail fest in Hutto at the end of March. So I’ve added it to the list because of proximity, acknowledging that trail running is not for everyone. I’m not sure which I’ll be able to participate in from March on until I have my middle school track season schedule. Stephanie can be your champion for the ones I can’t make.

I’ve also added the Amber Moon Studio Turkey 10 – Run for the Pie!

Please contact me for discount codes.