your guide to everything under the moon, the Amber Moon, 9/11/23

Fall has a whole new meaning when you coach cross country! It means big meets until about 12n on Saturdays, way different than what we did up in Indiana. Yeah, we had big meets, but we also has small 2-3 school meets on weekdays. We practiced 5 days per week. These little athletes only get us 2 days a week, with a meet on Saturday. Of course, the majority are in more than 1 sport, so they’re still active, not just specifically running.
Oh the memories.
My little athletes asked me to run with them the other day. I had to explain why I couldn’t, showed them the right knee scar, how the left kneecap was off to the side. I’m sure they were just trying to get a longer break, but I had them run in between my answers. And the best Q: since your knee is metal, if you hit it does it go boinggggggg? That same practice, I also ended up coercing the other 2 coaches to run, as we were short on relay pairs.
One day, I’ll be running with them. Until then, I’m swimming & biking, and event #1 – Texas Mamma Jamma, is this weekend. And right here in Taylor! 15 miles on the bike. The left knee is starting to protest, so I’ll be backing my regular biking down to 45 min after this.
So what fun are YOU planning for this Fall (and by Fall, I mean under 100 degrees)? I’d love to hear.
Studio scheduling stuff
I’m starting to work on Nov & Dec schedules – I’ve reached out to some of you that are on my schedule, but not at a set time. I’ll be trying to settle this section of the schedule soon.
Texas Mamma Jamma update

That’s me! Biking thru the ages, with 2 good knees. Notice one thing? That smile of my face! Yeah, here I go again!
My current total for donations – $421! Woohoo!
You can still donate to my Texas Mamma Jamma ride, either by my fundraiser linked on facebook or the Texas Mamma Jamma page.
Taylor & virtual sessions
Here’s what’s available for the next bit.
- Cross country is still in progress, so let me know if you’re looking for something please. I don’t have any openings at the moment for the immediate future. That said….
- Thursday, 9/21, 1p – 30 or 45 min only
- Oct 3, 2p
- last minute openings happen – keep checking in or ask please!
Austin sessions
Massage, craniosacral therapy, Body Symmetry correction & personal training are now available at this location.
Wednesdays, 1-630p
- Sept 13, 445p (30 min only)
- Oct 18, 1p (30 min only)
- Oct 25, 1p (30 min only)
- this is it thru Knee #2 installation
- last minute openings happen – keep checking in or ask please!
Fridays – 130-4p. Please contact me directly to schedule a Friday session.
- Oct 6, 4p (30 min only)
- Oct 13, 130p
- Starting January 5, I’ll be in every other week. Sessions for these dates will be available schedule while I’m recovering with bionic knee #2 (Oct 30-Nov 10).
- last minute openings happen – ask please!
Deeply Therapeutic
I’ve finally got someone subletting my space in Austin – YAY!!! Greg moved here from Washington State. His specialty is deep tissue, so if you know anyone interested, please send them his way. He’s also got a BEMER device, and I’ll let you read more about that thru his website.

Whew. I think that’s it. Thanks for coming all the way down here!