you guide to everything under the moon, the Amber Moon, for December 2022.

For those of you that were immediately impacted, I’d already sent this info below. If you were on my schedule after 12/15 this is for you: my knee replacement surgery is Wed, Dec 7, 2022. Yes, THIS Wednesday.
As such, all sessions are canceled from Dec 7-14 (Wed – Wed).
Read below to see what happens after that. I’ll communicate with you as much as I can, and knowing the home-based physical therapy will also be on my schedule, I don’t know what it’s going to look like.
For Taylor clients: I’m gonna get thru this time frame, and then take it 2 days at a time as I recover.
- I’ll decide on the 14th if I can work any on the 15th or 16th,
- then on Mondays if I think I’m able to work on Tuesday & Wednesday, and notify those clients either way.
- Then I’ll decide on Wednesday for Thursday & Friday, and continue as needed.
Wednesday in Austin: I’ll have to see how I’m feeling for Dec 21 & 28. Cousin Amy can drive me in if I’m feeling up for it. I’ll decide on Dec 19 for the 21st, and Dec 26 for the 28th. If I opt not to come in, you’re welcome to come to Taylor for your appt. I know some of you won’t come all the way out to Taylor, and I understand that. Some of you might, and you’ve never seen the house, or it’s been too long since you’ve seen the cats. You’ll get first choice if you want to come out at your usual time.
I may ask my Taylor clients if they are willing to shift days to slide over to Wednesdays and spread my work out more evenly while I continue to recover, try to avoid wearing myself out, and still have an income. I’m grateful that most of what I can do can be done sitting
I’m going to say I’m “becoming Bionic”. Anyone remember the Bionic Woman? Six Million Dollar Man? I’m talking the original series here. I’ve not seen the new ones. I could have decided to become Borg, but not really sure I want all those other people in my head too. Besides, Bionic folks make a really cool sound when they run. Considering that walking is uncomfortable, I’m gonna feel so much better when I can “just” walk. My goal is to be able to run a little after both knees are done.
I’ve had several people ask if they can do anything, if I need anything. I’ve got my cousin Amy here with me, so I’m good on daily things. What would help, since I’m out a week of work, is gift cards – HEB, Amazon, Visa – to help cover other expenses. The only nice thing about the Jan 30 surgery date was I had time to get finances a little more in order.
With that said, I’m making a few changes to the Group schedule:
Class schedule update
I’ll be teaching group stuff without doing, so the “old” way. I’ll need someone’s video on for zoom sessions so I have some idea of pacing. Also look online for details if this is confusing. Just note classes will go on if I’m mentally with it enough to be coherent in teaching.

Monday, Dec 5 ONLY
6p: Taylor Track Time! 1h
Tuesday, Dec 6, 20* & 27*
- 11a: Pilates Mat, 1h
- 5p: Everything Under the Moon, 30 min (EUTM)
- 6p: Taylor Track Time! (Dec 20 & 27 only)
Wednesday, Dec 21* & 28*
- 10:45a: Viniyoga, 1h
- 11a: Vini-chair-yoga, 30 min Dec 15*, 22*, 29*
- EUTM is cancelled on Thursdays ONLY for December. Will return in January.
*subject to how i’m feeling. I will cancel via vCita if needed.
Hello Sunshine will return…
January 2nd. If I’ve got anything important to tell you before then, I’ll send it on directly.
In the mean time, let me know what you think of these Hello Sunshine updates. Do you read them? If so, where? If every other week enough? Too much? Is the content valuable to you? Which section do you like the most?
12 days of Fitness
Round 1 started on Thurs, Dec 1. Did you start? Do you need to play catch up?
Day 1 – Awesome Arms video
Day 2 – 2 miles of continuous walking (note time for future rounds) – or bike, run… push a stroller… you choose. Just be consistent with it in Rounds 2 & 3. Also note your route (outdoors), or other variables that can show improvement (time, resistance, etc. )
Day 3…Plank exercises, Sharon style – do a Planksgiving video
Day 4…4×8 min of cardio (same mode, or mix it up – “cross train” – do all in one fell swoop (1 min recovery in between), or break them up across your day – just make sure to get them in!
Day 5… 5 min of a viniyoga class – you can even fast forward 5-10 min into the class and start there – open up the body! Prefer vini-chair-yoga? That works too.
Day 6 – 6×6 min of alternating cardio modes (types of movement – “cross training” – pick 2 modes minimum)
Day 7 – Lucky #7! Do an Everything Under the Moon video
Day 8 – 8×4 or 8×6 cardio sets, 1 min recovery or break it up thru the day
Day 9 – 9 min of a Pilates Mat video
Day 10 – 10×5 min sets of cardio – increase intensity w each 5′, same mode all the way thru – a short 1 min break in between – decrease intensity or stopping
Day 11 – 1 Awesome Arms video AND 1 Planksgiving video. Pick new ones.
Day 12 – 12×3 or 4 min of cardio intervals. You can break them up through out the day, or do a 1 min recovery in between