A September to Remember: Inspiration & Gratitude during these COVID times.

In the midst of #TheseCOVIDtimes, I’ve got so much gratitude, so much inspiration…as we embark on this 7th month, I’m taking the time to reflect. Join me on my journey!

Day 2: vCita, KGB Running and WayToWellness

I was a fitness presenter for 20 years. I retired. I’d had enough. 

And then vCita (my scheduler) invited me to be part of a webinar at the start of these COVID times. Now fitness, I can talk about that all day. But business, and how I was managing these first few months? That took me out of my comfort zone. I accepted the challenge.

In that webinar, I talked about being excited for what 2020 held. I still am. Yes, financially, it’s a challenge, but when you’re self-employed, that’s part of it.

I reached out to my friend Joanna, owner of KGB Running, to see if she wanted to do some educational promos together. My expertise, my run coaching experiences. “Tuesday Tips with Sharon” – now on IGTV!

And then Angela Schaak of Way To Wellness saw my #ComputerDetox (now on IGTV) email, and invited me to be part of her podcast series (August 2020: Body Movement – why it’s essential). You missed all the facial expressions & hand gestures, but there was still the enthusiasm in my voice.

These COVID times are more about than just fitness, business – it’s about evolving. It’s about the outlook you have. Several of my friends & clients commented recently that I’m the most positive person they know. That being around me is part of their wellness program.  vCita & Way To Wellness allowed me to share that part of me. The enthusiasm. The perseverance. “Good morning, Sunshine!

Thank you all for allowing me to share my experiences, to help me reach out of my comfort zone, and share my enthusiasm.

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