Your Couch to 5k

Here we are, end of August, end of phase 1, and getting ready to rock & roll.

Please take this survey to give me feedback on 1) how this program has been so far, and 2) how you plan to continue. This will also help me send emails only to those that are continuing.

This first month has been your “initial phase of conditioning“, since this program assumed you weren’t active or were slightly active. I know some of you are more active, so maybe it’s been a period of something different, increasing intensity, or trying something new.

How was your recovery week? How was running/power walking up those inclines? I did 2 sets. The 2nd set felt much better. My knees just weren’t feeling warmed up the first set, and I even made sure I walked at least 20 min before I ran.

Ready to add more running in? If you’re a walker, we’re gonna up your power walking.

After this week, we shift. The intent of this program is that you now attend the Tues/Thurs 630p Track sessions (Memorial field track). You get some in-person attention, work on form & technique, and how to build a better warm up. And a community.

I realize this doesn’t work for some of you. Again, please take the survey.

There will still be emails. There will still be a weekly plan. How you get it though, may be changing.

Please reply to this email to get your GoodLife 5k discount code. Remember, to submit your required weekly updates on your training to get the code… you can still submit them now if you need.

Week 5 Training

Reminder: If I say run, it may mean “power walk” for those of you walking.

Day 1: 5-10 min warm up walk. 6 x 2 min run/3 min recovery walk. 3-5 min cool down. Please note this may be a 45-55 min walk.

Day 2: 10 min walk warm up, 10 min easy running*, 5 min walk, 5 min easy running*, 10 min easy walk as cool down. (40 min total)

  • easy is “Zone 2” from last week’s email, or, whatever your natural pace is, go a little slower.

Day 3: 60 min of movement, and include the driveaway at Naomi Pasemann Elementary at least 3 times. For extra fun, RUN the uphill. I tried it today, the west side straight part took me 30s.

Action items

  • Take the survey
  • If coming on Tues and/or Thurs, buy your City of Taylor Fitness Punch Pass. I will have punch cards on 9/3. Please be prepared to show me your receipt. As I’m typing this, they have not updated our program on the website yet, but you can get the pass.

Thank you

I appreciate each of you taking part in this program, whether or not you completed it. It’s a learning for all of us. Timing sometimes isn’t right. It was hot. It was August. Hopefully you learned something about yourself!

Your Couch to 5k, Week 4

I took your suggestion and focused on swinging my arms during my walk.

I also consciously walked faster on my 1 min walk intervals (45 sec run).

Result is my 2-mile pace went from  16 to 13:41 w/ average HR 131. Fastest run pace 8:30. I’ll take it!

Way to go Christina!

How is YOUR progress going? Seems like last week was a low week – a couple of you ‘only’ got in 2 of the days. That’s perfectly fine on occasion. Life happens, right? You do what you can, get back on track, and keep going. The important thing is that you first acknowledge that life is saying you only get 2 in this week. And next week, get in all 3.

And a reminder – it’s perfectly fine to walk this whole program. Or to only do 1 of the run days, power walk the other. Make what you do intentional. Walk &/or run with purpose.

This is recovery week

We’re taking the foot off the gas a little, in terms of volume. We’re not adding any more run time then last week, maybe even backing down a little.

Why? Your body needs a brief time to rebuild. If you keep the foot on the pedal the whole time, you’re body will eventually break down. Intentional breaks, like this week, help you start off fresh, stronger, when next week resumes. So keep that in mind if you do more than this program. Back all of it down a little.

Walkers – please remember to distinguish your walk phases w your arm swing. If you’ve not yet started bending elbows, it’s time. Already doing it? Then start pushing your pace more: shorten your stride a bit, and focus on the push off from the back foot.

Day 1: (which I apologize I didn’t include last week) – 25-35 min walk, comfortable.

Day 2: 5-10 min warm up, Include this route in your plan, then 3-5 min cool down walk. Keep total run/walk time to no more than 40 min, unless you are already doing more.

On the mapped route, RUN/power walk the east/west roads, walk the north/south. In other terms, run up the hills (they’re short). Route is made in MapMyRun, so get your free account if you don’t already have it. Link your watch to it, or you can use the app to track your workout. Questions? Ask, please. This route is 0.9 miles. Feel free to do it twice even (why I looped it).

Day 3: The longer run. 25-35 min total, add in 5 continuous minutes of running/power walking.

Week 5: Day 1: 5-10 min warm up walk. 6 x 2 min run/3 min recovery walk. 3-5 min cool down. Please note this may be a 40-50 min walk.

With a 2 min recovery, you won’t be quite recovered in between sets. With a 3 min walk, you should be, therefore, able to have more consistent intensity when running.

Running heart rate zones

Had a question from the virtual meeting on Heart rate zones.

Here’s a quick article I put together a while ago for my triathletes, explaining heart rate zones.

This is ONE way to monitor intensity. If you are a walker, you are likely not going to get above Zone 2 except on hills.

For those running, in any run segment under 3 min, your heart rate won’t have responded enough yet to use it accurately. The cumulative effect over the run/walk segments may be useful.

It’s when we get into segments over 3 minutes that we can start using heart rate as a guide. And we’ll be getting into this. These longer runs/power walks will be at a lower heart rate, and for the purposes of this Couch to 5k, mostly like Zone 2, maybe Zone 3. This means you need to go s – l – o – w… but if you do it, you’ll find your pace does start picking up.

We’ve got a 5 min run so far… as long as you finish it still running, trying to be at a consistent pace, you’re good. I’ll let you know as we progress where you should be.

Other ways of monitoring intensity: talk test, and your run or walk pace. May I leave those for future weeks?

Strength training

Another topic from our virtual meeting: a simple strength plan for you to do at home.

  • stationary lunges > reverse lunges > reverse walking lunges. 2 sets, 15 reps. Once stationary (feet don’t move) is easy, move to reverse, then reverse walking.
  • calf raises – 2 sets, 15 reps. If doing both legs together is easy, try one at a time.
  • single leg balance – hold for 30-60s
  • side plank – hold for 30s, start w knees down, then progress to knees up. It’s ok to release down and keep working during that time until you can hold it.
  • push ups – on knees to start, and keep in mind its about bending your elbows. Work up to 2 sets, 10 reps
  • stick good mornings. It’s also a good hamstring/low back stretch when done correctly. 1 set of 15 to start.
  • TYLW (upper back work) 1 set of 5-8 to start, and get in all letters, take a break in between.

Questions? Ask. I can link more videos.

Action items

  1. Include specifics on when you’ll be getting in your 3 sessions this week.
    • mine: Tu after I get done coaching cross country, head over the Brushy Creek, get it in; Wed 845a from my house (7a if I wake up early enough); Sun after Iget up w no alarm & get the critters & myself fed, also from my house.
  2. You may also include last week’s sessions or you can send that to me directly.
  3. Ask ONE question, please.

Couch to 5k, Week 3

Hopefully you’ve completed the first 2 weeks’ of activity. If not, it’s okay. You may find you also want to redo a week. Consistency is key. If you really like a workout I give, let me know, I can style more like that.

Check in

What is 1 thing you’ve learned so far? Anything related to the program is fair game.

Here’s mine: I figured out my knees need me to do a run, then a walk, then a run session… if I try to run, run, walk… they protest. So I’m going out of order from what I write. Goal is to get them done, in any order.

What is 1 thing that is a challenge for you so far?

Here’s mine: I am still in the mindset of workouts should last an hour. It’s what I’ve done for so long. I’m getting there, and actually enjoying the shorter sessions for where I am right now. The shorter session also fits better in my schedule with everything I’m doing at the moment.

If you’re up for it, hit reply all and let the group know. I bet others are also having similar findings. Let’s start conversations around these answers.


Maybe we should call it “habit forming”? In the meeting video I talked about 2 things that can help with habit forming/motivation. One is The CALM Method, developed by Austin local Ryan Lanier. Her book, is a guide to ditching last minute living. She’s not ADD, but she, personally, is all over the place. I’ve seen her grow thru the process of this book. Please refer to her website for more info, oh, and she’s got a FB group, The CALM Collaborative, if you want more interaction on this. It’s free.

Another option – Atomic Habits. I mentioned this book in the meeting video. Break your habit down to the smallest thing you need to do to get it done. Putting on your shoes, for the purposes of this program is probably a good one.

Now combine the 2… setting it in your schedule, and setting your shoes out. Let’s see if this creates even greater success.

A few other things you can do:

  • invite a friend to join you
  • we’re here for accountability… use the email group to help you
  • invite someone from this group to join you
  • sign up for a free 15 min “meet & greet” to chat about how to get these things in around life (you get 1 between now & Good Life 5k, if you so choose to use it).

The Plan

Note: as you get farther into this, you may notice you need a longer warm up. Please lengthen it out as YOU need. Up to 15 min is good. Keep the cool down to about 5.

Week 3, Day 1: 25-35 min walk. The first & last 5 minutes, take it easy.

Week 3, Day 2: 5 min warm up walk. 6 x 1.5 min run/2 min recovery walk. 5 min cool down

Week 3, Day 3: Hills! We did 1 repeat on Dellinger this past week… so now we are on to 2 repeats, from North to Bull Branch. Add in 5 continuous minutes of running, just once, somewhere in the session – need not be on the hill. Slower pace than you’ve been going. Learn to be consistent. Next week, we’ll do a different hill.

My week: I’m doing M @ 8a, W @ 845a, and Th @ 830a this week, all starting from my house. Sunday I’ll be in Austin, and will get in some yummy hills.

Race Course: if you want to start getting specific on training, you can begin to incorporate segments of the 5k course. We’ll have you doing the full thing as we get into September, so if it’s not convenient, no worries. We’ll get you there. It’s flat except for Dellinger.

Action items

  1. Email ‘reply all’ the responses to the check in questions.
  2. Include specifics on when you’ll be getting in your 3 sessions this week.
  3. You may also include last week’s sessions or you can send that to me directly.
  4. Ask ONE question, please.

Your Couch to 5k, week 2

Hello, Sunshine!

Now this is what I’m talking about. August 1 just happened at a busy time, so I’m getting my ducks in a row now… they were at a rave last week. (hahahaha)

Virtual meeting

Thursday, 8/8, 630p. Please use the link for this Zoom session. I’ve got a small agenda, and lots of Q&A time. Feel free to send me questions in advance, topics you’d like addressed, etc. I’ve also invited you via my google calendar, so look for that if you like an easy life.

Can’t make it? I’ll record & send the link next week.

Each of these emails is online, so you can easily go review them anytime, if you like to keep your inbox clean. Please bookmark Look for our title, & that pic up above. Zoom & program specific links will not be available on the website.

Checkin’ in…

So how’d you do last week? Please remember to send me a screenshot of your walk/run activities.

How’d it feel? Easy? Hard? Just enough? Ready for more?

Just something to think about

If you were walking, did you play with your arm position like I suggested?

If you are on a treadmill, put 1% incline on there. Let your hands be in a natural walking position (avoid holding on). It’s ok hold on occasionally, but majority of the time should be hands free. You can take it up to 2% as you get used to it. This is “equivalent to outside”. If you’re at 0, it’s kinda like going downhill.

If you’re outside, how did the surface you were on feel? Next time you’re out, notice. Concrete is one of 2 surfaces that does not give your body feedback on how it’s doing. And… the GoodLife 5k will be on mostly asphalt. Yes, there’s safety to be aware of, and sometimes the concrete is just easier, just be aware, please. If things start to talk (knees, ankles, hips, etc), try switching off concrete as much as you can. Save it for the 5k.

The Plan: Week 2

Please remember you have the ability to move these days around as fits best for you. They can be done in any order, and preferably spread out throughout the week.

Day 1: 20-30 min walk. Yep, nice and easy, just go. Enjoy. The first 5 min, take it easy (‘warm up’), ditto for the last 5 (‘cool down’).

Day 2: 5 min walk, 5x 1.5 min run/2 min recovery walk, 5 min walk. If you have a Garmin, you can actually program your watch to tell you when to run & when to recover.

Day 3: 30 total min of walking, but include 1 trip up & down Dellinger Dr. And I mean all the way up to North, all the way down to Bull Branch Park. The first 5 min, take it easy (‘warm up’), ditto for the last 5 (‘cool down’). Feel free to add a loop around Bull Branch too. The intensity of this take place of running today. Why? Cuz this is the 1 hill in the GoodLife 5k. Let’s start practicing it now.

Week 3, Day 1 (in case you have Monday as a do it day): 25-35 min walk. The first 5 min, take it easy (‘warm up’), ditto for the last 5 (‘cool down’).

Action items

  • Put this week’s walk/runs on your calendar now. You may already have done it from last week. Great! Do the following week. If you’re digital, give all of this its own special color.
  • Send me when you’re doing your training this week, AND the screenshots from last week
  • Stay hydrated, wear breathable light colored clothing if outside. It’s about to get hot again.
  • Send me this week’s walk/runs after they are all done.

Couch to 5k, Week 1

Welcome, Sunshine!

Firstly, thank you for taking part in this program! I’m excited to actually be joining you in it. Yes, I’m a run & triathlon coach, but I’ve also got 2 brand new knees, so we’re gonna build in slowly!

How does this work?

Each week I’ll send you the plan. Please add my email to your address book so it gets noticed.

I strongly suggest you track what you are doing, as part of getting the discount code for the GoodLife 5k is showing me that you are doing the program. MapMyRun is a simple app on your phone that can track what you do. A smart watch is fine. Strava, Garmin, etc will also allow you to screenshot each week and send it to me. 

There are 3 total run/walks per week. Most days there will be time based workouts to be done anywhere convenient, for others, I’ll give you a segment to include in your activity. Not required, but it lets you explore different areas. So let’s go with “strongly suggested”.

Can you do more? Sure, as long as you are able to recover. If you find your toast (overdid it) after a bit, back off. Talk to me. We’ll figure it out. If you’ve not been active, I suggest you stick with 3 days. 

Your days should be evenly spaced over the week… I suggest Tu/Th/Sat or Sun, maybe W/F/Su… get the idea? It needs to fit it into your schedule. You could do M/W/F, but you’ll eventually need a little bit more time on one of those days.  

So go ahead, right now, and actually put it on your calendar for the rest of this week and next.  I’ll wait…. 

Each week can be different. The important thing is to get it in. 

What if you want to just walk?

Perfectly fine. On the segments labeled as “run”, walk with your arms bent to 90 degrees at the elbow. You’ll notice it picks up your pace without you even trying.

The Plan for this week

I’m including 1 for next week in case you’re doing one on Monday – my normal day to send out this email.

  • Day 1: 20 min walk
  • Day 2: 5 min walk, then alternate running for 1 min/walking for 2 min until you reach a total time of 20 min.

Week 2

  • Day 1: 20 min walk

I’ll schedule a Zoom call for next week so we can all chat in person. 


  • Reply all to this email, and say when you are doing your 2 run/walks between now & Sunday. Be specific. Include when, where and when.Here’s mine: “Friday 6a, on my treadmill, and Sunday, 6a, on my treadmill”. 
  • At the end of Sunday, text or FB message me a pic of your walk data. 

Got questions? Please ask!

Now let’s get those happy feet ready to go!