I took your suggestion and focused on swinging my arms during my walk.
I also consciously walked faster on my 1 min walk intervals (45 sec run).
Result is my 2-mile pace went from 16 to 13:41 w/ average HR 131. Fastest run pace 8:30. I’ll take it!
Way to go Christina!
How is YOUR progress going? Seems like last week was a low week – a couple of you ‘only’ got in 2 of the days. That’s perfectly fine on occasion. Life happens, right? You do what you can, get back on track, and keep going. The important thing is that you first acknowledge that life is saying you only get 2 in this week. And next week, get in all 3.
And a reminder – it’s perfectly fine to walk this whole program. Or to only do 1 of the run days, power walk the other. Make what you do intentional. Walk &/or run with purpose.
This is recovery week
We’re taking the foot off the gas a little, in terms of volume. We’re not adding any more run time then last week, maybe even backing down a little.
Why? Your body needs a brief time to rebuild. If you keep the foot on the pedal the whole time, you’re body will eventually break down. Intentional breaks, like this week, help you start off fresh, stronger, when next week resumes. So keep that in mind if you do more than this program. Back all of it down a little.
Walkers – please remember to distinguish your walk phases w your arm swing. If you’ve not yet started bending elbows, it’s time. Already doing it? Then start pushing your pace more: shorten your stride a bit, and focus on the push off from the back foot.
Day 1: (which I apologize I didn’t include last week) – 25-35 min walk, comfortable.
Day 2: 5-10 min warm up, Include this route in your plan, then 3-5 min cool down walk. Keep total run/walk time to no more than 40 min, unless you are already doing more.
On the mapped route, RUN/power walk the east/west roads, walk the north/south. In other terms, run up the hills (they’re short). Route is made in MapMyRun, so get your free account if you don’t already have it. Link your watch to it, or you can use the app to track your workout. Questions? Ask, please. This route is 0.9 miles. Feel free to do it twice even (why I looped it).
Day 3: The longer run. 25-35 min total, add in 5 continuous minutes of running/power walking.
Week 5: Day 1: 5-10 min warm up walk. 6 x 2 min run/3 min recovery walk. 3-5 min cool down. Please note this may be a 40-50 min walk.
With a 2 min recovery, you won’t be quite recovered in between sets. With a 3 min walk, you should be, therefore, able to have more consistent intensity when running.
Running heart rate zones
Had a question from the virtual meeting on Heart rate zones.
Here’s a quick article I put together a while ago for my triathletes, explaining heart rate zones.
This is ONE way to monitor intensity. If you are a walker, you are likely not going to get above Zone 2 except on hills.
For those running, in any run segment under 3 min, your heart rate won’t have responded enough yet to use it accurately. The cumulative effect over the run/walk segments may be useful.
It’s when we get into segments over 3 minutes that we can start using heart rate as a guide. And we’ll be getting into this. These longer runs/power walks will be at a lower heart rate, and for the purposes of this Couch to 5k, mostly like Zone 2, maybe Zone 3. This means you need to go s – l – o – w… but if you do it, you’ll find your pace does start picking up.
We’ve got a 5 min run so far… as long as you finish it still running, trying to be at a consistent pace, you’re good. I’ll let you know as we progress where you should be.
Other ways of monitoring intensity: talk test, and your run or walk pace. May I leave those for future weeks?
Strength training
Another topic from our virtual meeting: a simple strength plan for you to do at home.
- stationary lunges > reverse lunges > reverse walking lunges. 2 sets, 15 reps. Once stationary (feet don’t move) is easy, move to reverse, then reverse walking.
- calf raises – 2 sets, 15 reps. If doing both legs together is easy, try one at a time.
- single leg balance – hold for 30-60s
- side plank – hold for 30s, start w knees down, then progress to knees up. It’s ok to release down and keep working during that time until you can hold it.
- push ups – on knees to start, and keep in mind its about bending your elbows. Work up to 2 sets, 10 reps
- stick good mornings. It’s also a good hamstring/low back stretch when done correctly. 1 set of 15 to start.
- TYLW (upper back work) 1 set of 5-8 to start, and get in all letters, take a break in between.
Questions? Ask. I can link more videos.
Action items
- Include specifics on when you’ll be getting in your 3 sessions this week.
- mine: Tu after I get done coaching cross country, head over the Brushy Creek, get it in; Wed 845a from my house (7a if I wake up early enough); Sun after Iget up w no alarm & get the critters & myself fed, also from my house.
- You may also include last week’s sessions or you can send that to me directly.
- Ask ONE question, please.