I recently had one of my athletes ask if I was going to do any coaching out here near the new house (Taylor). Initially I wasn’t, cuz most people don’t start running in the Summer – especially here in TX.
But then I thought, what if I start w those that want to “Walk-to-Run” – learn good technique walking, build your endurance there, and then start running as you’re ready, as you see fit, maybe even as it cools down in the Fall. A whole lotta technique work. Maybe you just want to learn to walk more effectively. Maybe you can figure out why your knees start to hurt at 3 miles. Maybe you want to start smart. Maybe you’re already running & want to be more efficient. I gotcha covered either way. Get the knowledge I’ve gleaned over 30+years, AND from my current 2-y-o knee cantankerousness.
We are good to go!!!
I’m so excited we’re finally moving on this! Literally! Courtesy of COVID, I’ve missed coaching in person. Please keep in mind that we’ll still need to maintain some distance and keep our groupings small – and I’m immunocompromised, which doesn’t go away, even with vaccination. So please bring a mask with you. You hopefully won’t need to wear it, but ask for your help in keeping me safe.
Your Walk-to-Run Program will start on Tues, June 15, and continue every Tues & Thurs beyond that. This will be a continuous program – it doesn’t stop, as long as we have people coming. You only get better. I’d like to start at 6:15 for now – so plan on being there a little early so I can get every one checked in. I like to start on time. Be forewarned. As we roll into late July & August, we might slide it a little later.

When: June 15, 2021 onward!
Tues & Thurs, 615p
- Memorial Field Track, south end near the parking lot, old entrance gate & bathrooms.
- There is 1 working bathroom there.
- I’ll be there, near the purple car (aka “The Blueberry”), wearing an Amber Moon Studio jersey. And I’m a redhead. Trust me, you’ll see me.
Please come prepared for moving in the heat – typically the humidity is going down by evening. Loose comfy clothes, light colors, bring water, bring a sweat or cooling towel (wet a towel, stick it in a baggie in the freezer, bring it with).
You will get hot. You will sweat. No excuses except lightning. Or temps over 100. If it rains (lightly), you’re gonna get wet. (In these instances, you will receive credit for next month). Safety first.
Payment options:
- Monthly pay (best price, $7/session) – you’ll need to sign up each calendar month for a new package – $56/mo – includes the whole month of at least 8 sessions – no make ups. June will be prorated, and I’ll send a direct invoice to you via PayPal for $35. Be proactive – you can Paypal me or Venmo (@Sharon-Boon)!
- drop in rate: $10/session, pay when you sign up.
- 5 session package: $47.50 ($9.50/ssn)
- 10 session package: $85 ($8.50/ ssn)
- 15 session package: $112.50 ($7.50/ssn)
If you’re still not ready to commit, there’s one more package: a “Trial Run” as it were – 2 weeks, 4 sessions, $20. No make ups. You only get to use this one once.
What’s next:

- email me if you want the monthly sign up, or
- sign up for the package of your choice.
- get some good shoes for walking/running
- mark 6/8/21 @ 6:15p on your calendar & be there early!
- remember – start from where YOU are. You got this.
What else?
- Please make sure you’ve completed the intake form prior to attending your first session.
- If you have questions/concerns, please ask.
- Feel free to forward to your friends.
- Listen to your body, tell me what’s going on (aches, pains, injuries, limits, etc)
- Bring your sense of adventure, your sense of humor, and be ready to have fun while learning & moving.