Back in 2005, I was at my yoga training here in Austin Texas (I lived in Memphis at the time), I was having a meal where they had very fresh pineapple. I ate a lot of it. I ended up with a very serious inflammatory reaction. And this was the first time I really connected that I was reacting to sugar.
I’ve been having this reaction since I was an early teen. Over the years I minimized my sugar and my fruit, although I did find berries were OK – a different type of sugar. That is, berries were ok until that subluxed rib & torn erector in 2012, and subsequent system reactions that sent me on the spiral. Gradually, even berries had to go. No more fruit in my diet. It was a very sad day when the berries finally left. I loved berries.

So when I started my immunoglobulin replacement therapy back in the fall of 2019, I experimented with fruit. Not a lot, again taking my time to get back to eating more than air & water. But enough to realize I liked it. I missed it. But since I had all these other amazing vegetables I was adding back in, fruits got put off.
Until Farmhouse Delivery gave me nine bananas in my produce box. Not being a huge banana fan even when I was a youngster, I challenged myself to get them all used within 9 days (Gone in 7, thank you!). And I prefer my bananas green. Let’s say that these bananas did not stay green. They went brown fast. Not a big smoothie person either. Banana bread is “eh”.
So I did my thing. Let’s #playwithmyfood to keep it interesting!
- Banana 1: Banana-Chocolate Chip-homemade-Fig-jam-on-top pancakes
- Banana 2: ate it straight out of the skin (still green, that was good!)
- Banana 3: Banana-Canary melon-Date-canned-coconut-milk smoothie
- Banana 4: ate it straight out of the skin (it’s not green anymore)
- Banana 5: Banana-Carrot-Coconut muffins
- Banana 6 Banana-Date pancakes
- Banana 7, 8 & 9: new & improved Banana-Carrot-Coconut muffins
As I’m researching, playing, testing, I’m noticing that everyone wants to add sugar. You’ve got all this fruit awesomeness, why do you need sugar? I leave it out. I added a little into the muffins as Banana #5 was a little… off. It needed just a touch to smooth it out. And my little 1 tsp of agave worked.
I’ve got the muffin recipe for you! Measurements and everything! Depending on how many bananas you have, it’s easy to break the recipe in thirds: 1 banana = 6 muffins, 2 = 12, 3 = 18. New math and all (hahahaha).
Banana-Carrot-Coconut muffins
18 muffins. Preheat: 350F.
Into your food processor goes:

- 3 bananas
- 1.5 c shredded carrot
- 1 c sliced dates
- 3 eggs
- 1 tsp Apple Cider Vinegar
- 1/4 c oil of choice
Blend thoroughly, til the dates no longer make the processor bounce around on the counter. You think I jest. Try not cutting them & see what happens.
In a large bowl, combine:
- 1 cup Cassava flour
- 1 cup Arrowroot flour
- 2 tsp baking powder (know your ingredients)
- 1.5 c shredded coconut
- 1 tsp agave (more or less to taste)
Add the food processor contents to dry ingredients, blending well. Bake at 350 for 25-30 min. Like previously mentioned in the Pizza post, let them sit til cool. Texture will be so much better. Enjoy.

And now, on the my next fruit from Farmhouse Delivery…a Piel de Sapo melon. I’m gonna have to google it. No clue. Watch my journey with this melon on Facebook & Instagram, unless I come up with an interesting recipe, in which case, you’ll read about it here!