Your guide to everything under the moon, the Amber Moon, for Snowday Jan 21, 2025

How’d you do with our snow here in the Austin area? The chickens were funny. I’ve created a wind free corner in the coop for them – it really is a few degrees warmer – and they were all in it when I awoke this morning. Not on the roosts. Not in the small coop. In the warm corner. They normally come falling out when I open the coop each morning as well. Nope. They’re not fond of the snow. Neither am I. It looks pretty, and then I’m ready for it to be gone. There’s a reason I live in Austin.
It’s only January and I feel we’ve already had our 2 weeks of winter. Normally we have at least 1 in February. What’s it gonna be this year? *sigh* At least it is affording me some quality time on my treadmill and the bike on the trainer. I’m working on my limiters, and feeling stronger already. I’m gonna be ready for next Tri season!

Speaking of snow, this is a great time to remind you that if you have a cold, reschedule. I don’t need those germs, nor do any clients after you. I’m still immuno-compromised, and my last set of labs showed my immune system, even with the infusion, was not working properly. Yes, I know, it might feel good to get a massage while you have a cold. Be kind to your therapist, please.
I did a 10k last Saturday, before all this coldness blew in. It was a fabulous day! I felt awesome, and managed a total of 5 miles of running! I was a bit more strategic with pacing myself & my necessary walk breaks this time, and I was getting faster as the race went on. Took 5 minutes off my previous 10k time, AND recovered more quickly. Definite progress.
As a group, The Quack Pack came away with 5 podiums and 3 rose bushes. That’s pretty good for 6 people! Yay team!

I’ve already finished my first book, The Great Indoors, and started on my 2nd, The Other Talent: The Curiously Complex Role of Mental Health in Athletic Greatness and Why It’s Never Too Late to Harness Your Potential
The first book was nice & light, humorous, about the maturation of Alice, and her dream to hike the Pacific Crest Trail.
The 2nd book, sports psychology, looks at the cream of the crop athletes, the super elites, and what makes them so good. It should be subtitle with a phrase used regularly: “screw loose, shit together”. In order to excel, you gotta have both.

Guinea pig sessions for Visceral Manipulation are now OPEN.
Visceral manipulation is a type of gentle hands-on therapy that assesses and addresses organ mobility. Wait, our organs are supposed to move??? Yes! As strange as it may sound, our organs need to be able to move smoothly within our bodies for a pain-free life.

“VM1”, the course I’m taking next week, emphasizes the liver, gallbladder, stomach, sphincters, jejunoileum and the colon.
Guinea pig sessions may be booked Feb – April 2025 in Taylor only. These session will be primarily working on the “protocol”, and then will address your specific concerns with the remaining time. There is a cost savings right now, and it will be offered at the same price as CST post-guinea pig season.
It pairs well with craniosacral therapy. I may add in a few techniques if you are coming for a massage or CST session, either location.
24h cancellation notice now required. There are still some excuses that I will waive the notice for, otherwise, you’ll still owe for your session.
Mask update. Masks are still required IF you…
- Are around school aged children, school aged grandkids, etc
- Traveled by plane or been on a cruise
- Attended a large gathering of people for any reason, especially indoors
- If you current have allergy symptoms or a cold, as COVID symptoms are similar to both these days

Austin Studio continues to be booked solid. Please reach out if you’re interested in a Monday session, or to get on the Wednesday waitlist. I’ve been actively using it. I do have ONE opening coming up…
- Feb 12, 445, 30 min only
I’d like to tell you I’ve got available several Monday slots for you. March 10 & 17 I should have a slot or 2. I’m still waiting for my final track meet schedule, and then I can let you now any other dates.

- Tu, Feb 4, 315p
- Tu, Feb 11, 330p
- Fri, Feb 14, 1215 – 1p start times
Pilates: Live & in person, complete w a variety of small equipment on occasion!

- Friday mornings, 830a, at The Little Collective.
- Please bring your own mat.
- Register here.
- Drop in – $18
- 4 sessions – $64 ($16/class) – good for 8 weeks
- 8 sessions – $112 ($14/class) – good for 16 weeks

- Online Pilates & Viniyoga – please register here
- Taylor Track Time – register onsite, $5 per, or 10 for $40. Contact me for specifics, please.