It’s here! A new year! Time to start fresh, maybe to renew, process & learn from 2023, & move forward.
2023 was a very good year. I finally got that 2nd new knee. The first knee started behaving and now they are almost equal. I’ve started walking again. I am finally able to bike with no limits except fitness. I’m beginning to feel progress back to being me – active, athletic, and able to do things without pain. I completed 2 aquabike events and 1 Mamma Jamma ride before the left knee said “less please”. One room in the house finally got done (except flooring). The garage got organized, the Blueberry (my car) can come in AND have all the plants inside AND have room to move around. I got to spend quality time with #cousinextraordinare Amy in Yellowstone & during knee #2. I lost Gypsy in January, and finally don’t tear up every time I see a pic of her.
As for the Studio, I had 10 new clients join the energy of what I’ve created. I took over the Austin Studio space & made it my own. I coached middle school cross country for the first time, giving back to those that helped me embark on my love of running & future fitness career. I’ve typically have limited openings most weeks, and income is finally back up to pre-COVID levels. *whew*
The athletes I coach have done some amazing things. One ran Boston. They’ve podiumed. They’ve competed at new distances. They’ve laughed & learned. As have I.
I got back into educating myself:
- Systems Informed Therapy: The Body
- Systems Informed Therapy: The Mind
- Postural Corrective Exercise Certification
- FloridaMania
- The Enteric Brain (craniosacral therapy)
My biggest take aways: Do what you love. Be an active participant to get back to it, if needed. It won’t just happen on its own. Create an environment where you thrive, then those around you will too. You’ll attract those of similar energy. Learn. Always learn. Laugh more. Love more.

Vicki’s Art
I’ve had several people comment on the art in the Austin studio. It’s from a client, and if you’re interested, she’s now got her art available online.
We are back to normal, and I’ve actually been doing most of the Pilates & Viniyoga classes since early December. Depends on when I have physical therapy as to how much of EUTM I am willing to do. All this sitting just not cutting it. Had to move. Come join me in having fun again! Packages are available.

Just a note that track will run thru 1/18 (Th), and then take a break until March. This program is now run thru City of Taylor – $5/session or $40 for 10 on their fitness punch pass.
Personal sessions are available during the break time.
Taylor & Virtual sessions
As always, subject to change, and last minute cancellations happen. Book early, book often, and LMK if you need help finding what you need.
- Tues, 1/2, 1245-3p open
- Tues, 1/9, 330p (30 min)
- Tues, 1/16, 315 (up to 45 min)
- Wed, 1/17, 1145a (contact me to schedule)
- Tues, 1/30, 145-4p open
Austin Studio
Ditto from above: As always, subject to change, and last minute cancellations happen. Book early, book often, and LMK if you need help finding what you need. There is a waitlist for Austin sessions on occasion. Yeah, my expanded Fridays are booked for January – but there are a few openings on Wed! Quick – grab your time slot!
- Wed, 1/17, 1-315p open
- Wed, 1/24, 230 (up to 45 min) & 445p
- Wed, 1/31, 1-315p open
Thank you!
For reading this far, for contributing to the energy of Amber Moon Studio, and for just general awesomeness on your part. I’d love to hear your reflections on your 2023.